Participating Landowners Encouraged to Apply for Grant Funds
The District’s Board of Directors is pleased to reissue the Private BMP Incentive Program which provides financial assistance to Participating Landowners that invest in activities that will improve water quality in Long Creek.
Eligible project examples include: stormwater BMPs such as vegetated swales and rain gardens; establishment or enhancement of vegetated buffers to filter stormwater; stream and wetland protection or restoration; trees to provide pavement or stream shading; good housekeeping and pollution prevention projects; and implementation of snow removal practices or acquisition of snow removal equipment that will result in reduced salt use.
Details concerning the program can be found in the Request for Proposals on LCWMD’s website.
LCWMD has allocated $100,000 to this program for fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025). Awards are for up to 100% of project costs, with a cap of $50,000.
Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis through June 30, 2025, or until the allocated funds are exhausted.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact LCWMD’s Executive Director, Peter Carney, via email to or telephone by calling (207) 894-4320.